This is a pretty good example of how ridiculously excited I am.
Yesterday, Stephanie² arrived in Philadelphia. Just one more days until me and three of my closest friends and blogging buddies get together in one of the greatest cities in the country, Philadelphia. Jenni, Stephanie¹ and I have known each other for the better part of three years and we've been chatting with Stephanie² for over a year now. We've had play dates, talk almost daily on gchat and a day without a comment on Facebook or Twitter from any of them is like a day without sunshine. They are as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth and screaming at the neighbors dog when it poops on my lawn for the millionth time. But I digress....
When Stephanie² decided she wanted to leave her magic kingdom in the foothills of Disney World and come visit us in the northeast, well we just knew we had to show her Philly. I mean, I could have given her a pretty rockin tour of Delaware but Philly...well, its Philly! You really don't have to say much else about it, that's how amazing it is.
We have a full agenda for the weekend. First, we are staying at the beautiful Cornerstone Bed & Breakfast.
Not only do we get to lounge around in this beautiful room, we get to lounge sans screaming children!
Stephanie² is on her own for part of Friday and she will be visiting the Academy of Natural Sciences and their Bizarre Animals event.
Then she will be taking her first ever Septa ride down to Delaware to meet my family! So Septa passengers, if you see Stephanie², do me a solid and help her out. The trains can be a little nerve-wracking for someone that's never used them.
After a meet and greet with the fam, Steph and I are headed back to Philly for some dinner and a ghost tour with the Original Philadelphia Ghost Tour.
Philadelphia Ghost Tour has been rated one of the best top ten ghost tours in the country. The ninety minute walking tour takes you through Old Square, St. Peter’s Cemetery, Old City and Signers Garden.
They supply tour guests with EMF (electromagnetic field meters) and encourage you to bring cameras. You never know who you might run into...or the case of a ghost. ;)
Saturday is our marathon site seeing day. We are hitting up the Eastern State Penitentiary - one time home of mobster Al Capone.
We are lucky enough to be going the same weekend they are having a Hands On History weekend. Visitors will get to screen dirt and debris for artifacts with on site archaeologists!
Then we are meeting up with Jenni and Steph to tour the Mutter Museum.
Thanks to Visit Philly, we are going to see some of the most popular destinations in Philadelphia.
The VIP pass which they have so generously given our group includes tours of:
and so much more! What a shame we only have two days to pack it all in. We can't possibly see everything before Stephanie² leaves on Sunday but we are gonna try to cram in as much as we can! Just goes to show you that you can truly spend a whole week's vacation in Philadelphia and never get bored.
We'll also be stopping by Franklin Fountains for a yummy ice cream treat (shhh! don't tell Medifast!)
Another 'must see' on my list is the Magic Gardens on South Street.
We're hoping to fit in a stop to Rittenhouse Square to take some maternity photos of Stephanie¹ if the weather allows.
Seriously, I am tired already. Also, I am really nervous about leaving C and Izzy for the entire weekend. I've never been away from Izzy for more than one night. My husband is obviously completely capable - it's just that I will miss them terribly. It's so silly when you consider that I will only be 40 minutes from my front door.
Seriously, I am tired already. Also, I am really nervous about leaving C and Izzy for the entire weekend. I've never been away from Izzy for more than one night. My husband is obviously completely capable - it's just that I will miss them terribly. It's so silly when you consider that I will only be 40 minutes from my front door.
We are all so excited and so thankful to all the establishments that have opened their doors to us. Can't wait to meet all of the people that we've spoken too and see all that Philly has to offer!
Follow all of us on Twitter as well with these trend topics and Twitter names:
Follow all of us on Twitter as well with these trend topics and Twitter names:
#philly #love
A super huge MASSIVE thank you to Caroline at for the passes and fantastic weekend!