Call me now! Psychic reading with Psychic Source
You've already clicked that 8-ball about a dozen times before you even started reading this post, didn't you?
You even took a little stock in what it had to say - even though right now you are just telling yourself its a silly toy, right?
It's ok, you don't have to admit it. But I will tell you when I was a kid, I lived and died by the predictions of the almighty Magic 8 Ball. And even when I got old enough to know better, every so often I'd give the oracle a shake and just hope (or not) that circumstances would turn out as predicted. I guess I just like to think there is a little magic at work in the world.
I've always wanted to have a psychic reading. I just think it would be fun to see how things turn out in contrast to what was predicted. I spoke to two psychics on the same evening at Psychic Source.
So how did the first psychic reading go?

Alicia Rose also told me there is a trip in my future. If nothing else she said pans out, I would at least love a trip! In all, having a psychic reading with Alicia Rose was a very pleasant experience. She was easy to talk to and gave in depth explanations of the cards when I asked about them.
I had a second reading just a few minutes after hanging up with Alicia Rose. I wanted to see if I would get a completely different reading. This time I chose a man. Much to my surprise, the readings were strikingly similar. I asked both psychics if the results of my readings were normally what they saw. Both commented that no, in fact they were quite surprised that I was getting such a positive outlook in my reading. Usually for others they find that the cards are a mix of positive and negative - mine were all good things!
So here's hoping that all of their predictions come true! And Alicia, thanks for telling my husband that we shouldn't get a monkey. ;)