So I have a hair piece. I've only ever worn it once and that was for my wedding.
Maybe I am fooling myself, but I think it blended really nicely with my real hair.
Anyway, when I found this rat's nest in a box I knew I had to try it out on Izzy.
She was not terribly pleased about playing dress-up.
♥ ♥ ♥
**IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! Follow Me, Chickadee is moving to TUESDAYS! This will be the last Thursday/Friday linky. Link up with the Chickadees every Monday night at 10 p.m.!**

The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom!, Stash Mama and The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man have teamed up to cohost Follow Me, Chickadee! Each week, simply stop by at any of these three blogs for a chance to link up and meet new and exciting bloggers out on the interwebz!
All we ask is that you follow a few simple guidelines:
- Add a main link to your blog each week (Linky will open every Thursday night at 11 p.m. EST and close at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday mornings EST).
- Follow whichever blog you like; all we ask is that you leave a comment telling them that you found them from Follow Me, Chickadee!
- You don't have to follow every blog that follows you...but make sure that you follow the blogs that really interest you!
- If you want to put the blog hop code or the Chickadee button on your Friday post on your blog, we welcome it!
*~In The Spotlight This Week~*

Turnip Farmer
Kelly is the Mom behind the Turnip Farmer blog. She blogs about her daily life with her super duper cutie pie daughter, Izzy. And this month, she created a great blog meme called Thanksblogging! Check out this Chickadee and join her in Thanksblogging daily!
Interested in becoming a Spotlighted Blogger?
Or are you interested in offering something for a giveaway?
Contact one of us for details!
Or are you interested in offering something for a giveaway?
Contact one of us for details!