Take it Off, Week 13: Phew!

Phew! That was close!
When I started Medifast, I made a promise to myself that I would do my very, very best to never report a gain on weigh-in day. I was okay with reporting a zero loss - because after all, life happens. Treats slip into your diet, maybe you are retaining a little water, you've changed your exercise routine or maybe even gravity is keeping you down (or up, as it were). There are lots of factors that can lead to a zero loss or even a gain. Sometimes they aren't even because you 'cheated'.
If you recall last week I mentioned that I had a lot of festivities during the weekend. There was some bad food but overall I thought I prepared well for these treats. Also bad weather had put a damper on my usual exercise of bicycling. And truth be told I didn't put a ton of effort into replacing my outdoor activity with indoor activity. I did exercise - just not with the same intensity. So all in all that made for a small loss last week. Overall though, I was satisfied with the small loss that I had because I thought I handled the hurdles well considering the multiple stessors I had going on (see last week's post).
I felt so good about the way I (mostly) stayed on track and On Plan and wanted to step up my efforts in this past week. I was 100% On Plan every single day in the past 7 days. Dare I say I was 110% On Plan. I was kicking ass and taking names. I was exercising every day in nearly 90 degree weather. I was chugging water like I had just returned from a three month sojourn through the desert with only a sippy cup full of water. I tracked, measured and ate my food slowly to ensure satiation.
Then I weighed in on Thursday.
I am not a daily weigher like a lot of folks on Medifast. They find that the daily reminder helps to keep them on track. I was a daily weigher for quite a while but I found that it led to more frustration than anything. I'm sure you know that your weight fluxuates frequently throughout the days and weeks. And as I've shown with posts about NSVs, the number on the scale has little to do with the actual measure of your weight loss success. All that being said, I do weigh in twice a week now. I weigh in on Monday, that number represents my actual loss for the week. I weigh in on Thursday because I like to see where I am at midweek but also that is the day that I speak to my dietician, Jennifer. I like to give her an up-to-date number for her records.
I seriously almost cried on Thursday morning. I try to remain upbeat about all things weight loss because nothing will sink this ship faster than a bad attitude. But I had been working so hard and I was up nearly three pounds. THREE!! Obviously my weekend dalliances had caught up to me. And maybe the increase in exercise played a role too. But whatever the reason was, I was pissed, disappointed and frankly I felt somewhat defeated.
Even though I felt somewhat defeated, I trudged on. I stayed On Plan, I excercised, I drank my water and even through this long, holiday weekend and date night with C, I stayed the course. Keeping in mind my promise to not report a gain, I wanted to at least break even. I even broke my personal weigh-in rules and weighed myself on Sunday morning. Ugh. Still up about a pound and a half.
I wondered what I'd tell all of you. How could I tell you that even though I did everything by the book, I had still gained weight? People, there HAS to be some kind of mystical component in Medifast. Because once again, like magic, I've seen something happen that I never expected. Not only did I lose the nearly three pounds that I gained, I lost one more. Four pounds in a week! Oh how I wish I could claim a four pound loss that would have put me past my 30 pound goal but I am just beyond happy and relieved to tell you that I've lost one. I am sure I will be celebrating a 30 pound loss by next Monday.
Do you realize where that leaves me? That puts me at ten pounds away from One-derland. Very soon, for the first time in almost five years, I will be under 200 pounds. I get giddy just thinking about it! We must do something special to celebrate, no?
So that's it folks! It was a close call but I came in just under the wire for a total loss of 28lbs so far.
I hope you all are having a fun and safe holiday weekend. Have some potato salad for me. This girl is sticking to the plan that WORKS!
Week one: -7 lbs
Week two: -5 lbs
Week three: -1 lbs
Week four: -3 lbs
Week five: -0 lbs (maintain on vacation)
Week six: -2 lbs
Week seven: -1.6 lbs
Week eight: -1.5 lbs
Week nine: -0 lbs le sigh. damn gravity!
Week ten: -3 lbs
Week eleven: -2 lbs
Week twelve: -1 lb
Week thirteen: -1 lb
Total: 28 lbs gone forever!
If you’re interested in trying Medifast, I have a great deal for you! Use the code TURNIP50 to get $50 off an order of $275.
*FTC Disclosure: Medifast provides their products for my personal use for free. I am not paid or compensated in any other way for mentioning their products. All thoughts written here are mine. I love complaining so I would tell you if I didn't like something in the program. :)
~*Censide aka Building Our Story*~